“DoGooder” Action Tool
Tell your supporters to email the federal government
Our campaign action tool is designed to mobilise our networks, people with disability, their families and supporters, community supporters and local government to support the SPEAK UP! campaign.
We have set up an easy-to-use letter that we encourage you to add your own stories to and tell the Australian Government why it's important that there is urgent action.
It takes just a few minutes for supporters to but can make a big difference if you add your name to a letter today.
We are asking members to promote and share this action tool within your networks through:
Social media promotional content
Embedding the action tool on a page of your website.
The tool will help members and supporters spread the word to people who know how important your advocacy work is, former clients and their families and supporters, organisations you work with in your community
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
By sharing the action tool link, supporters are directed to a campaign page with a description of the action we want them to take: Email the Government now to SPEAK UP for Independent Advocacy.
Supporters can use the easy-to-use letter template to tell the Australian Government why an investment of at least $91 million into disability advocacy is crucial to strengthen and sustain our future. Supporters will be asked to provide a name, postcode, and email. There is also an option to add their phone number and/or their organisation.
Email tips encourage supporters to customise the template with their own stories about advocacy, why it is important, and what it means to you.
It takes just a few minutes for supporters to fill in the information fields with their details, customise their message and hit send to SPEAK UP! For Independent Advocacy.
The campaign action tool features a counter for emails sent using the tool reflecting the target number of emails.
The campaign website will also a feature a map showing where in Australia supporters are from.
The campaign action tool includes some great features to promote the SPEAK UP! Campaign and build more support:
Thank you message for taking action encourages supporters to share the campaign tool with their networks;
Includes a function to email friends and encourage them to also take action; and
Includes a link to the official campaign website where they can find out more.
It is critical as that we keep the pressure up on the Australian Government to act now, we invite supporters to use the letter template to and tell the Australian Government why it's important that there is urgent action now.
The Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Financial Services called for submissions from individuals, businesses and community groups on their views regarding priorities for the 2024–25 Budget by 25 January 2024. They will be considering the many submissions made by different stakeholders to make decisions on the allocation of funds in the 2024–25 Budget now.
This is the most important time to show the government that there is strong support for an investment of at least $91 million into disability advocacy, and why it is crucial to strengthen and sustain the future of the disability advocacy sector.
Sending a message to the target decision makers in the Government, the Hon Amanda Rishworth MP, Minister for Social Services and the Hon Dr Jim Chalmers MP, Treasurer, will mean we are able to tell them exactly what action we want them to take and why.
We hope that this call to action will have more impact than a tool that only shows a number of signatures or targets the government more generally through social media. The messages are set up to be sent directly to their inbox.
Through the action tool, supporters are encouraged to add their own stories and share the campaign tool with their networks. Personalised messages will make our calls to action more powerful.
Members are encouraged to create their own initiatives with supporters alongside this campaign action, such as creating their own petitions or target specific decisionmakers in their communities. We trust that members know the best way to connect with their communities and be creative with how they engage supporters.
Supporters will be asked to provide a name, postcode, and email. There is also an option to add their phone number and/or their organisation.
Location data (residential address or postcode) is used to pre-populate their email signature and to provide the Campaign with a visualisation of the location of the support for this campaign.
All other data you may enter is used by the campaign to advocate for the campaign’s goals and where required may be sent to the targets of the campaign.
The platform we use, DoGooder, has safeguards in place when storing or transferring personal information, and will never sell, rent, loan or in any other way pass the information on to other parties other than to provide this service to supporters and the campaign.
The personal information collected by Do Gooder is held subject to a Data Processing Agreement between Do Gooder and The Campaigner in compliance with the EU's GDPR and Australian law.
This information is available to supporters in a link on the campaign action tool website.